[SCCC] Fw: W6TRW Swap Meet re-opens and the K6SLC Mobile Museum will be there to help jump start it

Steve k0xp at k0xp.com
Mon Aug 23 20:09:22 EDT 2021

At 11:56 AM 8/23/2021, Jeff Kincaid, W6JK wrote:
>W6TRW Swap Meet re-opens....
>.........the www.W6TRW.com swap meet re-opens 
>this Saturday at the corner of Marine and 
>Aviation in the Northrup Grumman parking lot so 
>look it up and come visit. Parking is free and 
>whether you can or can’t make it PLEASE 
>forward this along; the vendors trying to make a 
>comeback will be there showing electronics, 
>radios, ham stuff, computers and more; something 
>for everyone and it has been a long time for us.

I hope to be there (assuming I can get up early 
enough to get in the vendor's line by 
0730  =8-O  ) along with nearly two dozen 
boatanchors; so make sure you bring lots of cool 
cash, too! I have a printed list I'll forward to 
whomever is interested. The list includes my 
Johnson Invader 2000 (less HV PS, but including a 
homebrew LV PS), around a dozen recapped and 
aligned tube receivers (mostly Hallicrafters), a 
working-on-CW Heathkit DX-100 (putting out enough 
powah to be illegal to use at full-blast in NAQP, 
to boot), and more, including three Hot Water rigs for free!!  8-D

SteveH, K0XP 

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