[SCCC] Fleeing W6-Land

Steve k0xp at k0xp.com
Wed Dec 1 11:39:51 EST 2021

At 08:39 AM 12/1/2021, Ryan wrote:
>Hey Steve,
>Aocc is good but from my observations they are 
>more driven towards hf. If vhf/uhf is more your 
>speed, check out azvhf society 
>(<http://azvhf.org>azvhf.org)Â  for weak signal activities.

I've been into weak-signal V/UHF work before; but 
right now (and particularly with the sunspots 
coming up), my interests are more toward HF. I 
wanna finish off my 160m DXCC before conditions 
get completely abysmal, for example, then finish 
15 and 10m while moving on to 6m.

The problem, of course, is that by the time I'm 
done with HF, then the V/UHF bands will be 
entirely computer--to-computer Qs with FT4/8/9 
and who knows what all else, and there won't be 
no fun left in V/UHF since nobody will be left to 
do CW weak-signal work on meteor scatter, tropo, sporadic-E, etc. 8-(

SteveH, K0XP 

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