Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Sun Dec 12 21:36:36 EST 2021

                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest - 2021

Call: WA7BNM
Operator(s): WA7BNM
Station: WA7BNM

Class: SO CW LP
QTH: S.Calif
Operating Time (hrs): ~5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  107    16
Total:  107    16  Total Score = 6,848

Club: Southern California Contest Club


Was hopeful prior to the contest that this year would be at least as good as
last year. However, on Thursday while operating FT8 I noticed there were zero
signals on 10m at 2330Z, so that didn't bode well for a 0000Z start.

Band closed after about an hour at the start with the only stations worked being
in CA. Late Saturday morning had a 2 hour opening to W8, VE3, W2, W3, W4. That
was pretty much it. Worked PY and CX as my only two DX. Only about 2.5 hours
were productive - the remainder were endless unanswered CQs.

Rig: Icom IC-7610 100 watts
Antenna: SteppIR DB-36 at 70 ft
Antenna: Optibeam OB16-3 at 50 ft fixed SE

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

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