[SCCC] N6KI ARRL 10 Meter Contest 2021 - SO HP (Mixed - Unlimited)

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 01:18:26 EST 2021

Contest         : ARRL 10 Meter Contest
Callsign        : N6KI
Mode            : MIXED
Category        : Single Operator - Assisted (SOA)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : Single band (SB) 10 m
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : CA
Locator         : DM14KV
Operating time  : 13h43

   CW   453   6   7   40    1812  4.00
  SSB    24   0   4    4      48  2.00
TOTAL   477   6  11   44    1860  3.90
         TOTAL SCORE : 102 300

Operators       : N6KI

Soapbox         : The WA6TQT Remote Super-Station was not available to the
San Diego Contest Club group of operators this weekend so after no contest
operation for at least 10 years from my home QTH, I decided I would
reactive my home station and compromised 4 Element SteppIR Monstir antenna
that is still missing 2 elements and use it as a 2 Element Yagi. But first
I had to take off several hours Saturday afternoon to unstick my prop pitch
rotator motor and grease a very dry thrust bearing at top of tower. Had a
nice run for 2.5 hours mid day on Sunday from 1800Z to 2030Z. Signals were
very weak for most of the other hours of the contest so SSB was not a good
option. 73 Dennis N6KI

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