[SCCC] NAQP Log Submission Error

Dennis Younker NE6I NE6I at cox.net
Sun Jan 10 12:04:12 EST 2021

Anyone besides me having trouble submitting their NAQP log? Normally, one
copies and pastes the whole log (header lines and all) but apparently the
NAQP form only wants the QSO lines. Worse, it does not want those lines in
standard Cabrillo format. It wants them like this:


Band Date Time Call-Copied Name-Copied QTH-Copied

20   1/9 1801 n6mj        dan         ca


Thus, all of my QSO lines return an error: "ERROR--> Following line had too
many items"


A standard Cabrillo line looks like this:

QSO: 14026 CW 2021-01-09 2308 NE6I            DAVE       CA  K5CM
CON        OK


--Dennis NE6I

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