Jim Price jnprice at pacbell.net
Sun Jan 10 14:04:35 EST 2021

                    North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: K6ZH
Operator(s): K6ZH
Station: K6ZH

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: California
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  146    36
   40:  365    50
   20:  306    48
   15:  189    27
Total: 1006   161  Total Score = 161,966

Club: Southern California Contest Club

Team: SCCC #2


Whew!  I haven't made over 1000 Qs in a contest in years!  Really kept me on
my toes.  I know - I still need to get on the SO2R train so I can do even

Really fine 15 meter condx at the beginning, and I had a solid run of 140+
Qs in the first hour, all calling me on the same freq!  2 of the first 3
QSOs were from DE!

When it got to about 0530, I still needed about 40 Qs to reach 1000, and
only 30 minutes to do it.  But 80 meters came through and I got QSO number
1000 at 0555!

Equipment here:  Elecraft K3, 4-element SteppIR, 2-element "shorty forty,"
and 80 meter inverted vee - all at 60 feet.  Used N1MM+ for logging.

Tnx to all for the Qs, and there should be some big SCCC team scores!
73 - Jim K6ZH

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