[SCCC] Need Help from Big Bear Area Ham

WI6X wi6x.73 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 12:08:33 EST 2021

Vic Leader knows trees. If a climber is needed, I would call him.
https://aewoodproducts.com/contact-us <https://aewoodproducts.com/contact-us>
Vic Leader 
AE Wood Products, 32765 Hilltop Blvd
Running Springs
California 92382
United States

Wind blown pine tree branches wreak havoc on halyard lines and antennas.
Untangling them is a frustrating task that more often than not requires the branches to be cut.

IF you can get a chain saw blade on handles over the offending branches with a drone, air cannon, telescoping fiberglass mast, bow & arrow, etc. you can cut the branch off from the ground.

https://www.amazon.com/Sportsman-Pocket-Chainsaw-Survival-Emergency/dp/B00GMR0MZS/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=portable+chainsaw&qid=1611765938&sr=8-3 <https://www.amazon.com/Sportsman-Pocket-Chainsaw-Survival-Emergency/dp/B00GMR0MZS/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=portable+chainsaw&qid=1611765938&sr=8-3>

A Christmas tree with tinsel is to a ham’s pine tree after a windstorm. 

Pro Tip: always lead the halyard lines way way from tree branches when securing them so they are free and clear of branches.

WI6X Jim

> On Jan 26, 2021, at 4:47 PM, Dennis Vernacchia <n6ki73 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone know any hams in Big Bear could remove some wire antennas from trees.
> from SK ham QTH. Not asking it be done for free
> I have no other pecuniary interest in the matter.
> ...or if you can recommend a tree trimmer service in Big Bear in case some
> climbing needs be done to release wires....
> 73, Dennis N6KI
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