[SCCC] "There's Something About the Voice"

Mark Schoonover mark at ka6wke.net
Tue Jul 6 11:43:30 EDT 2021

When I was married I've thought about recording my wife's voice in the DVK!

73! Mark KA6WKE

Website: https://www.ka6wke.net

On Tue, Jul 6, 2021, 06:20 Joe <nss at mwt.net> wrote:

> Shhhhh!
> That's my secret weapon!  I often have my wife call when I can not get
> through! Or I have Joanna of W1VE's synth call for me too he he he,
> Joe WB9SBD
> On 7/6/2021 4:32 AM, Steve wrote:
> > From another contester reflector:
> >
> > A Contester, a DXer, and a QRPer walk into a bar. This bar is no
> > ordinary bar: it's a special bar  in the basement of the Dayton ham
> > radio club.
> >
> > Everyone takes his seat and orders a Whiskey. Suddenly, there is a
> > wild rumor floating around: Martti, OH2BH, is in North Korea and P5DX
> > is on the air!
> >
> > Contester says: I bet that I can work him with my first call.
> >
> > DXer says: I bet that I can work him with MY first call.
> >
> > QRPer says: I bet that I can work him with 5 watts.
> >
> > Everyone moves in front of the rig located in the corner of the bar.
> >
> > The contester goes first. He turns the rig on, takes the mic and finds
> > the last caller. He calls Martti with perfect timing. Martti answers
> > to someone else.
> >
> > The contester was too lazy to wait for three minutes for the linear to
> > warm up.
> >
> > The DXer says to the QRPer: "It's your turn, do your best.".
> >
> > The QRPer dials the power down to 5 watts and selects CW. He
> > frantically calls for three minutes, hoping Martti would pick him out,
> > but no cigar: Martti answers to someone else.
> >
> > Meanwhile, the linear has warmed up, so it's the DXer's turn. He tunes
> > the linear for maximum smoke and gives the last two of his call:
> > "alpha hotel, alpha hotel!". But Martti answers to someone else.
> >
> > The waitress notices these three unhappy fellows and asks: "Would you
> > guys like to have another three Whiskies?"
> >
> > Suddenly Martti's voice comes booming out of the speaker: "Stand-by,
> > who's the YL, three Whiskey?"
> >
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