[SCCC] CQ Magazine Printing Suspended For Two Months

Steve k0xp at k0xp.com
Thu Jul 15 15:47:03 EDT 2021

 From another reflector:

>A Message to Our Print Subscribers...
>July 15, 2021
>To our loyal readers,
>While CQ's digital editions are distributed like 
>clockwork – the first of each month – the print 
>editions are lagging far behind. The general 
>business slowdown due to the pandemic over these 
>past many months has ultimately resulted in an 
>income pinch delaying the printing of these 
>issues. While the world is opening up for 
>business again and our business is getting back 
>to a new normal we find ourselves too far behind 
>to simply catch up. Tough times bring tough 
>choices – and so, as a means of bringing CQ's 
>print edition distribution back in sync we have 
>decided to make CQ's June and July issue digital 
>only issues. The August issue will be CQ's next print edition.
>For our readers: We are extending current print 
>subscriptions for two issues and will continue 
>to email PDFs of these issues to all current 
>print subscribers on requested. We have added 
>individual issue links from the CQ homepage – 
>- so that the June and July issues can be viewed 
>immediately at no charge (links are at the bottom of the homepage).
>Thank you for your patience and support.

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