[SCCC] Please Post Plans for the June VHF Contest this Weekend

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 9 01:35:45 EDT 2021

For me it is that exciting time of year again, for THE BIG KAHUNA of VHF contests, the ARRL June VHF.  Saturday 11AM 1800Z
to Sunday night at 0300z (8PM). I will be roving again, this time in the common 4 L.A. basin area grids.  As usual, I will be on the 4 low bands
 as a Limited Rover (6, 2, 222 FM, and 440).

I plan to start the contest in DM04 in the Santa Monica Mountains, which worked out great.  Late afternoon I plan
 for Signal Hill or Palos Verdes in DM03 until sundown. I might do a little DM13 in Orange Co. in the evening.

Sunday morning I look to start in DM13 in either Fullerton or Diamond Bar.  In the afternoon I hope to head to either
Table Mountain or Keller Pk for DM14.

This schedule is subject to change, like maybe starting the contest in DM13 and 14.

I doing think we will have quite as much activity as we had last year, when so many people were staying home due
to the pandemic.  However, I think we still will see the long-term trend of many new operators on VHF,
 many of them on FM on 2 meters and 440.  As I did last year, I will be spending the bulk of my time on 2 and 440
 FM, rather than SSB.  I will see you on 146.52, and .55 simplex and 446.0 Simplex, vertically polarized.

Lets try to kick the contest off well the first 2 hours by contacting each other on 6 meter SSB in the
range of 50.125 and 50.140.   We can QSY to 2 , 220 and 440 to "run the bands".  This way we won't get
bogged down on FT8 with its slow rate.

Unfortunately my APRSDroid app doesn't work on my new phone, so sorry I can't be tracked.

Look for our friend Javier XE2CQ in Tijuana be on 2m and 440 from DM12 this contest. We will see if Tony K4XSS
can work some QSOs in during his work schedule from DM02 - San Clemente Island.  This is a rare grid!

Remember, a rover can be worked each time they are in a new grid.  I will appreciate the contacts.
It often takes 2 hours drive time and setup between grid changes.  Be patient.  Hope springs eternal for
 6 meter openings, but I'm not counting on it.  It did not open much at all last year.

The competition is fierce in the Limited Rover class, and any QSOs you can send my way would greatly help.

Please join the Facebook Group for So Calif VHF Contesters here https://www.facebook.com/groups/237955553774654/

Please promote the contest as a good simplex operating exercise in your ARES/RACES/ACS groups!

I dedicate my participation in this contest to the memory of Ray Olesen, of San Gabriel - AD6AF who became a
 silent key on April 3.  He was a well known VHF Contester, and will be missed.  RIP Ray.

Tnx & 73, and see you on the VHF Bands!

Tim Goeppinger,  N6GP/R

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