[SCCC] Powerline Noise?

Dave Hachadorian k6ll.dave at gmail.com
Sat Jun 12 00:57:53 EDT 2021

It's very difficult to track down impulse noise by listening on HF.  If it 
is an arc in the power distribution system, a much better way is to search 
at VHF with a directional antenna.  If you can find a small 2M yagi, and 
find a 2M rig that receives on AM mode, that's the way to go.  I use my old 
TM-261A mobile rig, and the rear 4 elements of an old 11 el 2M beam.  You 
mentioned peaks being evenly spaced at 25 KHz. That is not really typical of 
powerline interference.  Usually it is pretty flat across a wide bandwidth.

Here's a pretty good tutorial:

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

-----Original Message----- 
From: R. Salazar
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2021 7:55 PM
To: sccc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [SCCC] Powerline Noise?

I walked the neighborhood last night with my portable SW radio and found
what I think is the offending pole. I collapsed the antenna on the radio
and it was still full scale noise. I think now I need something very
directional to confirm it's the pole because it is located on someone's
property behind a gate (and I can't smack it with a 10 lb. sledgehammer).
The noise is 24/7 and very stable.

Ryan W6ZAR

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 7:19 PM Dennis Younker NE6I <NE6I at cox.net> wrote:

> I'm no expert in this area as I have not had to track down SDGE noise 
> since
> moving to San Diego and SCE noise since the mid-1980s but have you been
> able
> to track the noise to the suspected pole? If you turn on a portable AM
> radio
> (or better yet, one with shortwave capabilities), are you able to pinpoint
> the source? If you don't have a portable radio, perhaps using your car
> radio
> will help, assuming the noise is also in the AM broadcast band.
> Back in the 1980s, SCE had an excellent technician that I worked with many
> times in coordination with the company I was with at the time in LA County
> to track down utility related noise (and sometimes from electric fences 
> and
> whatnot). He was great. However, from what I have read in recent years,
> those types of guys don't exist at utilities anymore due to cost cutting. 
> I
> can't speculate on that or speak with authority...that's just what I have
> read and heard.
> I think we have one or more noise experts here on the reflector that
> hopefully can chime in. ARRL also has an excellent noise/interference
> expert
> that may be of help from what I have read.
> I will say this from past experience. It's better to tread lightly with 
> the
> utility company and offer to help/coordinate rather than call and be a
> yelling fool. The former will get one a lot more cooperation. And the more
> real data you can provide, the better.
> --Dennis NE6I
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SCCC <sccc-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of R. Salazar
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 2021 6:13 PM
> To: sccc at contesting.com
> Subject: [SCCC] Powerline Noise?
> Hello all,
> For the last month or so I have been experiencing very broad banded noise
> on
> HF. It is strongest on 10, 11 and 12 meters but appears randomly 
> throughout
> the HF spectrum. The peaks are evenly spaced about 24 or 25 khz.
> Fortunately, it avoids most of the ham bands but it seems to have raised
> the
> noise floor throughout. I believe it is powerline noise coming from a pole
> a
> few hundred yards behind my house. I have attached a sound file which I
> hope
> will make it to the reflector. Just need an opinion before I call SDG&E.
> Thanks,
> Ryan W6ZAR
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