[SCCC] End of VHF Contest Rally Time 6-8 PM

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 12 11:39:42 EDT 2021

A big THANK YOU to those of you who got on the air yesterday for the VHF Contest.  Together as a community, we are building up some huge scores, and
most of all - the high level of activity adds to the fun.

I will be going out of range today up north, but please continue to work the rovers out there as they go to new gride - N6UTC/R, KX6A/R and K6LMN/R are
looking for Q's today.

Lets plan a Rally Time at 6-8 PM tonight to push our scores over the top.  If you haven't gotten on the air this weekend, the Rally Time would be a great time to do so.

Tnx again & 73,

Tim N6GP/R

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