[SCCC] passing this tower deal along...

Don Minkoff cowchip at ca.rr.com
Wed Feb 2 13:39:47 EST 2022

Anyone looking for a tower might consider this very good deal.

It's Howard here from the SDDXC, W6HDG in San Diego. My wife and I are 
downsizing to a condo and I must sell my Tower.

US Tower MA-770MDP Tower for sale. Moving to a condo. First $6000 takes 
this beautiful 70 ft Tower. Zero issues. Pick up only in San Diego. This 
tower is just 6 years old and still works and looks great. Has all 
options including motorized with positive pull-down, remote control for 
your shack, Tilt over and Rotor base .

If you bought new from US Tower it would cost over $18K.

MA-770MDP $12,325
MARB770 $2940
RMC1000 $1650
MAF770 $1065
CX4M arms $425

Pick up by February 15 and I'll throw in the Yaesu G-1000DX Rotor.. You 
bring the flatbed and I'll pay for the crane (tower is still in the air 
and can be tested).

Howard W6HDG
W6HDG at arrl.net
Cell/Text 858-204-2322

Thanks and 73, Howard W6HDG

Don Minkoff

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