Terry Baxter w6cbureau at san.rr.com
Mon Feb 21 23:05:34 EST 2022

ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2022

 Call: N6CW
 Operator(s): N6CW
 Station: W6XI

 Class: SOUAB HP
 Operating Time (hrs): 35

 Band QSOs Mults
 160: 42 27
 80: 77 37
 40: 452 83
 20: 271 68
 15: 301 68
 10: 92 34
 Total: 1235 317 Total Score = 1,174,485



 My 4th visit to W6XI in Tucson AZ for this contest. Past efforts have
 single band 40. This year with improving high band conditions I
wanted to do an
 all band effort. W6XI has a good antenna for 160 and 40 but no high
 antennas. For this effort I built a 3 band inverted V antenna for
10-20 in hopes
 of making some contacts on those bands but not expecting much. I
planned on
 getting it to the 65 foot level on the tower but chickened out and I
only made
 it to 40 feet and stopped there as I did not want to go any higher.
There was
 also an 80 meter inverted V at 65 feet.

 My goal was 1000 Q's and 1 million points but I did not expect to
come close. I
 also planned on not operating from midnight until 5 AM knowing that
would impact
 my score without all those JAs on 40 and 80 meters. It was all about
meeting my
 goals and quality and not so much quantity.

 Conditions were fair Friday night on 40 and 80 but no EU on 160 at
all. Saturday
 was good and I even worked some real EU stations with the low
inverted V's on 10
 meters and almost everyone I heard on 15 and 20. Saturday night on
160 the band
 came alive and I worked a bunch of EU stations with very good
signals. A real
 thrill. It was like an 80 meter opening. Sunday was good again on the
high bands
 but not so good on 10 meters. No Europe. I am used to doing S&P from
 and I was stuck in that mode with the idea that my high band antennas
were not
 good enough to run. The last hour on 15 the JAs were so loud I
decided to call
 CQ and worked non stop with about 120 Qs and 7 new multipliers. A
real thrill
 which I have not experienced since I had a real station back in the

 It was nice to see the high band activity again.

 Thanks to Jerry W6XI for allowing me to visit and play radio.

 Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:

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