[SCCC] ARRL International Digital Contest - K9TAD

Terry A Dennison terry at dennisonla.com
Mon Jun 6 10:41:59 EDT 2022

SCCC Team #1



K9TAD's Contest Summary Report for ARRL-DIGI

Created by N3FJP's ARRL International Digital Contest Log

Version 1.0  www.n3fjp.com


Total Contacts = 249

Total Points = 1,947


Commentary:  Maximum Q's/Hr was 42 during heavy FT4 activity.  Around 5:00am
local I got a lot of Asian and Oceania stations each worth 20+ points in
minutes using FT4.  Toward the end, I had Q'ed virtually everyone on the
bands that my modest station could reach. Q'rate was down to a handful per
hour for the last several hours.  Overall mode mix was probably around 60%
FT4 and 40% FT8.  Power was 100 watts into a fixed non-wire dipole with max
radiation at 025/205 degrees.  IC-7300.


Operating Period: 2022-06-04 18:02 - 2022-06-05 23:58


Total op time (breaks > 30 min deducted): 11:35:32

Avg Qs/Hr (breaks > 30 min deducted): 21.5


Total Contacts by Band:

Band       Total       %

----            -----        ---

   40            35        14

   20           172      69

   15           42        17

                -----        ---

Total       249     100

 Country                        Total     %

-------                               -----   ---

USA                               208    84

Hawaii                                 9     4

Canada                                 7     3

Brazil                                  5     2

Japan                                  5     2

Australia                             2     1

New Zealand                      2     1

Alaska                                1     0

Argentina                           1     0

China                                  1     0

Dominican Republic             1     0

Falkland Is.                        1     0

Mexico                               1     0

Poland                                1     0

Puerto Rico                       1     0

Trinidad & Tobago            1     0

US Virgin Is.                    1     0

Venezuela                        1     0

Total = 18


Total DX Miles (QSOs in USA not counted) = 170,542

Average miles per DX QSO = 4,160


Total Contacts by Continent:

Continent   Total     %

---------     -----          ---

NA            220         88

OC             13            5

SA              9            4

AS              6            2

EU              1            0

Total = 5




Terry A. Dennison


terry at dennisonla.com

 <http://www.terryadennison.com> www.terryadennison.com



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