[SCCC] NA Sprint RTTY - SCCC Teams

Dennis Younker NE6I NE6I at cox.net
Fri Mar 11 10:32:32 EST 2022

Hi all,

If you'd like to be on an SCCC team for NA Sprint RTTY, please let me know.
We only have WQ6X so far. 

--Dennis NE6I

-----Original Message-----
From: SCCC <sccc-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Dennis Younker NE6I
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 7:14 AM
To: 'SCCC' <SCCC at contesting.com>
Subject: [SCCC] NA Sprint RTTY - SCCC Teams

Hello all,

 The NA Sprint RTTY contest is this Saturday., The four hour contest begins
at 2300 UTC. If you would like to be on an SCCC team, please let me know.

--Dennis NE6I

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