[SCCC] 2023 ARRL 160M K0XP Results

Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
Sun Dec 3 11:18:06 EST 2023

ARRL 160-Meter Contest - 2023 Call: K0XP Operator(s): K0XP Station: K0XP 
Class: Single Op HP Class Overlay: Limited-Ant QTH: ORG Operating Time 
(hrs): 12 Summary: Total: QSOs = 207 Sections = 61 Countries = 7 Total 
Score = 29,988 Club: Southern California Contest Club Comments: Condx 
seemed very poor, particularly Friday night at the start. Then the solar 
storm struck, and condx got even worse. But they began coming back 
Saturday, and during an hour or so around 01Z, were almost good, with 
the east coast booming in from all over. Never heard Europe or Africa 
and couldn't copy the easterners well enough to tell whether they were 
working Eu/Af, but it didn't sound like it. Worked a few JAs but didn't 
hear more than about half a dozen altogether. I could not believe how 
many people had trouble copying my section of ORG... seemed like every 
other Q required multiple fills of either my call or section. Ran my 
trailer's battery bank State-Of-Charge down to 13% by sun-up Sunday 
morning. It was down to 22% by sun-up on Saturday and with the low 
winter sun angle, only recharged during the daytime to about 74%. Need 
to get the remaining 20 solar panels up and running, so I can run the 
amps from 240VAC and 8 batteries. Posted using 3830 Score Submittal 
Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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