[SCCC] NCCC 10M Rallies (1930 and 1200 PST) for 10m ARRL Tests

jeff.sdtech at gmail.com jeff.sdtech at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 20:08:23 EST 2023

Pardon my ignorance but what are rallies?

Jeff ab6ne

-----Original Message-----
From: SCCC <sccc-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Bill Haddon
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2023 2:38 PM
To: SCCC Reflector <sccc at contesting.com>
Subject: [SCCC] NCCC 10M Rallies (1930 and 1200 PST) for 10m ARRL Tests

*West Coast ARRL 10m Evening Rallies *
*-- while the band is closing you may be able to work other W Coast stations
using backscatter propagation while beaming West or WNW.* *Rallies also at
noon (PST)  both days. (Beam  ENE)  Maybe good for working states inside the
typical 10m skip region.*

-- Beam SW through NW for the 1930 PST rallies on Friday evening and
Saturday evening.
 -- Spend half the time calling CQ Test

*NCCC RALLIES for 10m ARRL Contest. *

*12/9 UCT Saturday*
*0330Z (7:30pm Pacific time on Friday evening)* 2000Z (12 Noon Pacific Time)
QRGs: 28030 +/- 28430 +/-
Start on SSB and Move folks to CW

*12/10  UCT Sunday*

*0330Z(7:30pm Pacific on Saturday evening)*
2000Z(12 Noon Pacific)
QRGs: 28030 +/- 28430 +/-
Start on CW and move folks to SSB

73 Bill n6zfo
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