daveokw at gmail.com daveokw at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 19:43:41 EST 2023

ARR 10-Meter Contest - 2023


Call:  N2JNR

Operator(s): N2JNR

Station:  N2JNR 


Class:  SO CW QRP

QTH:  Las Vegas




Band  QSOs  Mults


   CW:  208    62

  SSB:    0     0


Total:  208    62  Total Score = 51,584


Club:  SCCC


Soapbox: Used my Buddipole to have a nice rotating 10M dipole. I had no luck
getting anyone in CA and very rough getting 7s (managed to get HI, NV and
AK).   Heard K6SS in AZ and tried for a bit to work him but no luck.
Operating QRP in CW with my KX-3 and with little noise, seemed to do well in
S&P, sometimes with added patience.  MI, MN and Ohio were booming.
Definitely cannot complain.  34 states, 9 sections in Canada, 1 station in
MX and 17 DX.   Glad to see 10 meters open as it really reminds me now of
when I first got my license.  Enjoying more then anything DX as a QRP
station.  Definitely had fun.   


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