[SCCC] SCCCORE December Edition Now Available

Glenn Rattmann k6na at rattmann.digitalspacemail17.net
Mon Dec 11 13:48:07 EST 2023

Good job on the SCCCORE site, Dennis!  Much appreciated by all, I'm sure.

You can add my puny score data for the 160m and 10m contests if you like:

160m  K6NA SOHP 3,224  1.5 hours

10m    K6NA SOHP 53,280  3 hours

I was unavailable to participate in SS CW and SS Phone, so no scores there.

Glenn K6NA

At 08:27 AM 12/1/2023, you wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>The December issue of SCCCORE (Southern California Contest Club Operations,
>Results and Enlightenments) is now posted on the website. The December poll
>and November results are also posted. Lastly, a new video titled "Cycle 25
>Update by K9LA" has been posted.
>73 and happy holidays to all of you!
>--Dennis NE6I

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