[SCCC] ARRL Bylaw Change: Please read and forward as you see fit

Marty Woll n6vi at socal.rr.com
Sat Dec 30 20:08:07 EST 2023


Attention ARRL members!


The infamous "Code of Conduct" Returns


In three weeks, the ARRL Board of Directors will vote to replace Bylaw 46
with what is essentially another version of the much-maligned 2016 / 2017
"Code of Conduct".   Formally referred to as the "Board Member Statement on
Authority, Responsibility, and Expectations" ("Statement"), this 11-page
document requires:


- a pledge of loyalty to the Corporation rather than to a Director's member


- a duty of confidentiality over any League-related information that
management does not want disclosed to the members.; 


- a means of ejecting for life any Board member deemed to have violated any
of the provisions of the Statement.  


Stifling Dissent


Based on past actions of the Board majority, we can expect that:


- how individual Directors voted on any given issue will be kept secret;


- telling members about upcoming motions will be forbidden;


- questioning spending or suspected mismanagement will be prohibited.


- the small minority of current Directors who support transparency in League
affairs will be removed from the Board and replaced with appointees.


- paying members will be kept in the dark on anything management wants to


Take Action Now!


If you want your elected ARRL Board representatives to be able to speak
openly with you about League affairs, and decision-making, contact your
Director, the ARRL President, ARRL CEO, and the other Directors now and let
them  know that you expect and demand transparency in Board policy decisions
and that you do not support the adoption of Bylaw 46.


ARRL is our Membership organization and we must defend the right of our
elected Directors/Vice Directors to act freely on our behalf. We must have
transparency on issues that affect all of us.  The proposed bylaw change
will create a secret management cabal, contrary to the interests of all
Amateur Radio operators.


See the full text of the proposed bylaw here for PDF: p2.pdf (atldiv.org)

or here for HTML: Motion Information - Bylaw 46 Change (atldiv.org)

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