Dennis Younker NE6I NE6I at cox.net
Sat Feb 11 18:08:41 EST 2023

They seem to be back up now. Watch DX-World.net for updates, and/or their Facebook page. 

--Dennis NE6I

-----Original Message-----
From: SCCC <sccc-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Greg De Hoogh
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 4:32 AM
To: sccc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [SCCC] 3Y0J QRT?

According to their Facebook post at 11:45 UTC, their generator had died. 
Once it was light, they were able to get it fixed and are back on the air.

73, Greg N6PM

On 2/10/2023 8:06 PM, W6PH via SCCC wrote:
> There have been no credible spots since 2 pm PST.  Anyone know what's going on?
> 73, Kurt W6PH
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