[SCCC] SCCCORE January Edition Now Available

Dennis Younker NE6I NE6I at cox.net
Sun Jan 1 11:06:38 EST 2023

Happy New Year. May your 2023 contesting efforts result in much fun and


The January edition of SCCCORE (Southern California Contest Club Operations,
Results and Enlightenments) is now available on the website. The January
poll and December poll results are also available. And we have a new video
showing the 2022 TK0C CQWW CW effort which resulted in a claimed new
European record in the Multi-Two category. Within SCCCORE itself is the
recently published video of October's California QSO Party contest.


Also, I want to mention that the Search function on the website has been
relocated from the main page to the top menu. 


Lastly, I've added an SSL certificate to the website. The short and sweet of
this is that the exchange of data between the site and visitors is now
encrypted (see the little lock icon in your browser's URL window). This has
rapidly become "standard operating procedure" across the web. It should be
transparent to visitors but if you have any problems, please let me know.


Again, Happy New Year!


73, Dennis NE6I

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