Terry Baxter n6cw at san.rr.com
Mon Jul 17 10:36:23 EDT 2023


I feel your pain. And you beat my score by 1 point. 

I was in and out during the contest. I have my Flex set up so I can
continuously monitor the frequencies between 50.000 and 50.350. I
never saw any beacons or any CW/SSB activity. I called many CW CQ's
but never got an answer. One local was on FT8 or FT4, I dont know
which, and occasionally he would work someone that I could see on the
screen. I dont have the WSJT program on my computer so I dont know who
he was or who he was working. At times I would call CQ on 50.095
during his listening time hoping he would see me on his monitor and
drop down and make a Q. Not.

Digital has killed CW and SSB. And DXCC. 

Perhaps in contests, especially VHF, the scoring could have CW and SSB
count 10 times the digital points. 


	-----------------------------------------From: "Steve Harrison" 
To: sccc at contesting.com
Sent: Sunday July 16 2023 3:56:55PM
Subject: [SCCC] K0XP 2023 CQWW VHF

 CQ Worldwide VHF Contest - 2023

 Call: K0XP
 Operator(s): K0XP
 Station: K0XP

 Class: SOAB LP
 Operating Time (hrs):

 Band QSOs Mults
 6: 1 1
 2: 0 0
 Total: 1 1 Total Score = 1

 Club: Southern California Contest Club


 CW in Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada on V/UHF is dead. Long
live CW;

 Heard lots of SSB out there in both the Southland and Arizona on and
 around 144.2, but absolutely nobody else but K6NR seemed to know CW.
 There were even a bunch of strong wobbly-wobb signals hanging around
 144.175, both barely out of the noise, as well as several as strong
 as S9. I CQed endlessly both toward my west (LA/northern OC) as well
 as more southerly toward south OC/SD, and northerly toward SB and
 the SF Bay area, but didn't hear anything from either direction. I
 thought, at one time last night, that I heard someone from the north
 but while I was trying to peak the antler on them, either they faded
 away or they didn't call again. Nothing heard from the LV area.
 Basically a disappointing repeat of January.

 Other than K6NR and K5AM (whom I only heard on one short meteor
 burst Saturday), absolutely nobody else seemed to know CW. I guess
 that DM24 is so common that nobody needs it any longer; who wudda

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