[SCCC] KX6A/R plan for VHF contest

Michael Geoghegan michael at gigavox.com
Thu Jun 8 11:49:13 EDT 2023

This weekend is the VHF Contest. A great excuse to play with your VHF gear.

I'll be roving this weekend as a Limited Rover (6, 2, 222 and 440) and would appreciate the opportunity to get you in the log.

My estimated schedule (all times Pacific):

* Sat 11:00 AM - DM13 - Coastal Peak Park - Newport Beach (home base)
* Sat (Maybe) - DM12 - Glider Port - La Jolla
* Sat 6:00 PM - DM13 - Coastal Peak Park - Newport Beach

* Sun ~9:00AM - DM03 - Signal Hill - Long Beach
* Sun 11:30 - DM04 - Schurr HS - Montebello
* Sun 1:00 PM - DM14 - Panterra Elementary - Diamond Bar
* Sun later - play by ear.
* Sun to end -  DM13 - Coastal Peak Park - Newport Beach

Moxon on 50MHz, 
Yagis (horiz) and whips for 144MHz and 440 MHz 
Whip for 220 MHz - FM only

SSB, CW, FM and digital on 6, 2 and 70 - FM only on 220MHz.
Prefer voice SSB/FM for local contacts. Much quicker.

I will try to post locations as I arrive to the Vhf Uhf page at n6sjv.org and Rover Slack. Also on APRS KX6A-7 (if I remember.)

Best way to follow along:
Please join the Facebook Group for So Calif VHF Contesters here
We have a chat feature where we can coordinate via Facebook messenger.

Remember you can work Rovers everytime they are in a new Grid!

Note: I would like to try to get some distance contacts on 2 or 440 using FT8. I'm running horizontal yagis - if you are set to try 2m and/or 70cm FT8 and are outside of the LA Basin let's try to see if we can make it. Running a IC-9700 - might drift a little (no GPS lock yet) but seems to work just fine on 2 and 70cm.

If you hear me, let's run the bands.


Mike - KX6A/R

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