[SCCC] Orange County ARC W6ZE Field Day Huntington Beach

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 23 01:58:20 EDT 2023

The Orange County ARC (W6ZE) will be operating from Huntington Beach for Field Day again this year with a big effort. We came in 10th place overall last year out of 4900 entries.
Visitors are welcome! We will have a Get On The Air station active that you can operate!
We will be behind the Ocean View School District HQ, 17200 Pinehurst Ln, Huntington Beach CA. You need to park on the lot by the street, and not in back.
If you cannot make it in person, we will be on 80 meters thru 440 MHz, WARC bands excluded. We appreciate the QSOs!
For you VHFers out there, we will be on SSB, FT8 and CW on 6m, and FM only on 2m and 440. We can arrange to do SSB on 2 and 440 as well. Ham celebrity Gordon West will be on the mic a lot of the time on Saturday. Give him a shout-out.

We hope to kick butt in Field Day, by keeping the spirit of Chip K7JA alive.

Tim N6GP

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