[SCCC] Voice keying and IC-7300

Mike NA6MB na6mb.mike at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 03:00:53 EDT 2023

The radio has an internal sound card.
Just set up N1MM to use that as the output device.
N1MM can record voices under operators call signs and switch with OPON
That is, I OPON and record my voice for the macros/function keys. It 
gets saved in an NA6MB directory.
Then, you OPON and record you voice for the voice macros. It gets saved 
in NC6Q directory.
If you don't have any voices recorded, press a function key like "CQ" 
(F1 )and there will be an error with text like "CQ.WAV not present in 
[directory where it should be stored]"
If you want to to record the voices offline (as I do) then just put the 
right files (CQ.WAV, Exchange.wav, etc) in the directory under your call 
or other ops call.
You also need to set up PTT in N1MM like this setup - 

If you really want to go old school and feed in audio , PTT, etc you 
need to use the ACC connector pins 3 (SEND) and 11 (MOD) - See page 18-2
Pin 3 -  An external unit (PC PTT) controls the transceiver. When this 
pin goes to ground, the transceiver transmits
Pin 11 - Modulator input (Voice, FT8, RTTY AFSK, etc).


On 6/29/2023 8:34 AM, Bob Grubic wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is a place in the back of the IC-7300 radio to
> input audio from a laptop? I'd like to use the voices of several operators
> in voice keying the radio with N1MM+. I don't want to use the radio's
> internal voice keyer and I don't want to use the front mic input. Thanks.
> 73,
> Bob NC6Q
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