[SCCC] Amplifiers

n6mg at verizon.net n6mg at verizon.net
Fri Mar 10 22:01:40 EST 2023

I've owned a long string of RF amplifiers in my 52+ years on HF, andprimarily chasing DX in one form or another.Some have been a constant battle, weeding out weak component's, Some were a breeze to use, that were a pleasure to operate, & probably because of antenna's that were very resonant.1st was a homebrew pair of 572B valves.Then a plethora of amp's using more 572B's, 8874's (3), a single 8877,then another homebrew with 813A's (3). <-- with military pull-outs!This evolution of equipment has taken me to where I am today.Currently I'm using 2 amp's. 1 is from Mississippi and has 4, 811A valves and does the WARC bands.The second is a Henry 2KD5 with a pair of Eimac 3-500 valves.That's it from here.BTW, It's a pleasure to rub elbows with the greatest group of contesters on this rock!73, MiltonN6MG"One man's DX is another man's QRM"

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