[SCCC] NH7T CQWW WPX Contest, SSB - 2023

Jim Neiger n6tj at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 28 20:07:36 EDT 2023

CQWW WPX Contest, SSB - 2023

Call: NH7T
Operator(s): NH6V KH7U NH7T K7JA N6TJ N6CW
Station: KH6YY

Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

Band QSOs
160: 23
80: 372
40: 1456
20: 1953
15: 2320
10: 2412
Total: 8536 Prefixes = 1395 Total Score = 41,502,645


Many thanks to Alex KH6YY and Tracy WH6GQK for their kind hospitality. And a
special appreciation for the post-contest BBQ

Operators were

160 NH6V Rob
80 KH7U Kimo
40 NH7T John 20 K7JA Chip
15 N6TJ Jim
10 N6CW Terry

Rob also operated on the other bands

A goal this year was to dispatch the 20 years old Oceania multi-multi 
record and
that was done with plenty of margin

Alex KH6YY spectacular station on the north shore of Hawaii’s beautiful 
of Oahu performed flawlessly and was a delight to operate.
Low band conditions were a challenge but good openings to the mainland USA,
Japan, China, Indonesia and Europe ensured good rates and a reasonable 
number of
multipliers to establish a new Oceania record.
We are looking forward to returning for WPX CW
For the KH6YY team,
Jim N6TJ

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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