[SCCC] Antennas for Sale

David Hodge davidchodge at hotmail.com
Sun May 14 12:29:22 EDT 2023

Hello, All.
The following items are for sale.

KLM KT-34A triband yagi. 10-15-20 meters. In original box, Unopened. $100   https://www.eham.net/reviews/view-product?id=1415

Hustler 4BTV 40-20-15-10 meter vertical. Used. $45   https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/hsr-4btv

Cobra UltraLite Junior multi-band antenna. New, unopened. $80.   https://www.k1jek.com/

Pick up in Pasadena. n6an at arrl.net or 626-421-6022
David N6AN

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