[SCCC] FW: Solar Cycle 25 Update - Presented by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA

Dennis Younker NE6I NE6I at cox.net
Mon Nov 13 20:06:18 EST 2023



From: Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) <kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org> 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2023 5:02 PM
To: opdx at nshore.org
Subject: Solar Cycle 25 Update - Presented by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA


Please join us and our special guest speaker for the Madison DX Club program on Tuesday,  7:00pm CST:


The Madison DX Club's November 14, 2023, Meeting:


Solar Cycle 25 Update - Presented by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA


Cycle 25 is producing many more sunspots than originally predicted.
Find out how this will affect the Amateur Radio bands for the next few years.


Time: Informal chat starts at 6:00 PM CST,  Business Meeting at 6:30 PM CST,  Program at 7:00 PM CST.

UTC Time: Informal chat starts on 15 November at 0000z , Business Meeting at 0030z , Program at 0100z .


Visitors and guests are always welcome at MDXC meetings!



Business Meeting Agenda:

*         Treasurer’s Report

*         Minutes

*         Club's systems

*         How’s DX? (Report by N9LB on Club Members' DX successes)

*         Member Activities

*         Club's YouTube Channel & Web page

*         watch programs you may have missed (September and October programs just published)

*         subscribe

*         like (thumbs up) programs

*         check out the updated and up to date info on our page.

*         minutes

*         program info

*         link to YouTube channel

*         how to join

*         how to renew your membership (mail address for treasurer and PayPal)

*         New Business

*         Np Program next month (December) but we will have a virtual meeting Holiday Party

*         Ratify support for DXpedtions

*         Adjournment


Hope to see you all on Zoom, Tuesday evening.

Kevin Shea, N9JKP

President, Madison DX Club

n9jkp at arrl.net <mailto:n9jkp at arrl.net> 

Web site: Madison DX Club <http://www.madisondxclub.org/> 


 Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 198101
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 <mailto:MDXC at w9bg.com> MDXC at w9bg.com
 <http://mail.w9bg.com/mailman/listinfo/mdxc_w9bg.com> http://mail.w9bg.com/mailman/listinfo/mdxc_w9bg.com

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