Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Mon Nov 27 06:35:43 EST 2023


I saw spots for ST2M and 5A1AL, but I didn't hear anything. I just 
checked DX summit and 5A1AL was operating FT8. Some of those FT8 spots 
were getting by the N1MM Telnet filters I was using. I just pulled up DX 
Summit and it shows exactly two ST2M spots for the whole contest. I 
could have sworn I saw a Z81 spot in the telnet window at some point, 
but DX summit doesn't show anything when I query it. I missed working 
21, 23, and 34. I heard 21 and 23, but didn't have good enough 
propagation at the time. I made just over 500 QSOs.

Hardy congratulations to Bill N6RV for an exceptional effort.

73, Mike W4EF......................

On 11/26/2023 9:31 PM, Steve Harrison wrote:
> On 11/26/2023 8:19 PM, Bill Kendrick wrote:
>> Call: N6RV
>> Operator(s): N6RV
>> Station: N6RV
>>   Class: SO(A)AB HP
>> Operating Time (hrs): 40
>>   Summary:
>> Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
>> ------------------------------
>>    160:         0       0        0
>>     80:        50     17      33
>>     40:      453     34   105
>>     20:      240     34   100
>>     15:      538     34   110
>>     10:      627     35   105
>> ------------------------------
>> Total:   1908  154   453  Total Score = 3,262,625
> DXCC on FOUR bands. Bill, methinks there's a lot of us who hate you 
> right now  8-D
> Seriously, congrats! It's been many a year since I think any W6 has 
> done that single-op.
> Steve, K0XP
> P.S. Did anyone hear zone 34??
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