[SCCC] KA6KEN roving to CM94 shortly

Neil Jessen neiljessen at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 9 21:55:52 EDT 2023

I haven't been up there in probably 15 years.  Used to operate next to the train tracks on the bluff just northwest of the campground.  On the road that goes to the ranch.  If it's not too dark, rake some pictures.  I want to see if it's still a viable place to work 10 GHz microwave.  Google Street view has no data for that spot.

Neil - N6VHF

-------- Original message --------
From: Ken Alker <ka6ken at alker.net>
Date: 9/9/23 6:25 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Southern Cal Contest Club <sccc at contesting.com>
Subject: [SCCC] KA6KEN roving to CM94 shortly

I'm going to head up to CM94 shortly (has anyone made it up there yet this
weekend?)...  along the coastline on a ledge.. above Gaviota State Park.

I will have my mobile in my truck (50W 2m/70cm FM).  Start on 146.520MHz.

I will also bring an all-band that will do 50W on 2m into a (horizontal)
halo that I'll set up to do SSB.  I'll start on 144.200MHz.

I'll be up there for at least 30 minutes, maybe an hour (or more?).  Hoping
to be set up by 7pm (MAYBE sooner).


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