[SCCC] Microwave dish, portable mast for sale (N6MI relay)

J. Scott Bovitz <bovitz@bovitz.com> bovitz at bovitz.com
Thu Aug 22 12:23:37 EDT 2024

Teri from Fountain Valley (not a ham) owns a retired television news van.

Teri is looking to sell a microwave dish (BMA 2/4 dish), gimbal, and pneumatic double mast from the van — but keep the van. (Such a pity, but…)

The dish and mast have already been pulled from the van. They might be six feet tall when collapsed. From the coax tube, I estimate the mast goes up 15 feet.

Teri can’t get a good photo of the mast label, but it looks like BMS (San Diego) made the mast.

Small labels on the dish and gimbal say Nurad Model 65PA5 and Quick Set International.

I have not seen it. I am just passing along Teri’s desire to sell this package. You can reach her at (415) 450-7171.



P.S. When N7DA reads the subject line, he will think I am ready to sell my microwave gear after last Saturday’s 10 GHz contest. Not so! It was fun. Thanks to K6VCR and N7DA for their 10 GHz Elmer services.

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