Ivan_t ivan_t at dellroy.com
Tue Dec 17 22:37:00 EST 2024

                  ARRL10M Summary Sheet

        Start Date : 2024-12-14

     CallSign Used : W4EF
       Operator(s) : W4EF

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Assisted Category : NON-ASSISTED
             Power : HIGH
              Mode : MIXED

         Club/Team : Southern California Contest Club
          Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.10560.0

         Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  S-P  Cty  Pt/Q
           28  CW     567    2268   59   48   4.0
           28  USB    383     766   54   25   2.0
        Total  Both   950    3034  113   73   3.2

             Score : 564,324
               Rig : Elecraft K3 and Alpha 91B

          Antennas : 5-Band Spiderbeam at 50ft

           Soapbox :

I got to my station Friday evening, but I decided that to take care of 
some maintenance that I didn't want to put off any longer (losing access 
to my remote computer due to power outage = not good). I ended up 
skipping the first 24 hours. I started Saturday evening on SSB. The JA 
activity on phone seemed kind of thin. Sunday morning I woke woke up 
before Sunrise and decided I would work some CW. At first conditions 
seemed promising. Stations in the southeast USA were getting loud and I 
was starting to hear a few Europeans before sunrise. Then it sounded 
like some sort of disturbance occurred. European stations never got 
really loud and it seemed like everyone's signals were diffuse and 
buzzy. Strangely enough later in the day, well after it seemed the band 
had closed to Europe, I had a couple of northern Europeans call me. The 
first one was SJ2W who called me on SSB at 1849 UTC. Later on OG1F, 
OH7K, and RW1A called in on CW. Finally at 2145 UTC, SJ2W called me on 
CW, well after I had started working JAs. The interesting thing was that 
these European latecomers all sounded clean without any of the buzz or 
noise I had heard that morning. I got some good rate fixes on both phone 
and CW. I had one 5 QSO minute on SSB and 10 minutes averaging 4 QSOs 
per minute (my best impression of Bob, KW8N). Wyoming was the only state 
I missed on CW. Also missed it on SSB along with several others. I 
thought I heard a DC on CW, but never worked one on either mode. Great fun!

73, Mike W4EF............

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