[SCCC] N6GP/R Jan VHF Limited Rover

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 9 01:49:22 EST 2024

I apologize for the late post.  Too much busyness with Winter Field Day and January VHF on back
to back weekends.

 ARRL January VHF Contest - 2024

Call: N6GP/R
Operator(s): N6GP
Station: N6GP/R

Class: Limited Rover LP
QTH: org
Operating Time (hrs): 9.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:   81    40
    2:   39     6
  222:   19     5
  432:   19     5

Total:  116    59  Total Score = 11,741

Club: Southern California Contest Club


I have been doing the January VHF on and off for about 8 years now, and this is
the first one that I have had to deal with rain.  Previously, we have had a lot
of drought years, and it wasn't a problem.   Started the contest in the rain at
Coastal Peak Park in Newport Beach for DM13.  This meant 3 vertical mag mount
whips on my van.  1 for 6 meters, another for 2/440 and a third for 222.
Being vertically polarized for 6 and 2 wasn't the best, but I ground out some
QSOs.   Had problems with my windows fogging up in the cold rain.   Great to
work KN6UWK on San Clemente Is for DM02 on all 4 bands.  Stayed for 2 hours for 42
Went to Signal Hill for DM03. Still raining.  Stayed 2 hours and made 40 more
QSOs.  Local activity was way down. Because of the rain, did not operate from
my driveway at home.
Overslept in the morning. WX was predicted to be bad but had sunshine! Went up
to local hill for more DM13.  Worked locals for about 1 hour, then about after
11 AM 6m opened up nice to Texas, then to the Pacific Northwest!   Great opening
for January VHF.  This opening lasted most of the afternoon and into the
evening.  Went as far back as the Great Lakes area.   This turned out to be one
of the best January VHF contests for me.   The only Winter sporadic E I worked
all season.  This is why this contest is so fun - expect the unexpected to
I drove to Diamond Bar for DM14 during one of the lulls of the opening.  Stayed
put there until the end of the contest, and did not activate DM04 as planned.
My strategy is:  If 6m is open - Don't move!
Other than rain, had no murphy problems.   I have the N3FJP software set up
right for switching from SSB to FT8.  No CW contacts were made, and I did CQ.

Things to think about for next time 1.  Need a DC adapter for my laptop, since I
ran out of battery both days.  Its on order.  2.  Consider using my horizontal
loops for rain configuration rather than verticals.

Rig IC-7000 .  Alinco 222 Radop
Ant:  Vertical 6m whip, 2m/440 Whip and 222 Whip
      6m Moxon on Painter Pole the second day
Asus 14 inch laptop N3FJP software

Tnx for the Q's, especially the locals!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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