[SCCC] SCCCORE January Edition Now Available

Ryan Huggins KI6BTY at pm.me
Mon Jan 1 15:21:34 EST 2024

Welcome to the club Tom!  Was that photo from the micro field day at the Fire Academy?  There are a few of us CVARC members here too.

Ryan, KI6BTY

On Monday, January 1st, 2024 at 8:31 AM, Dennis Younker NE6I <NE6I at cox.net> wrote:

> Hello all and Happy New Year!
> The January edition of SCCCORE (Southern California Contest Club Operations,
> Results and Enlightenments) is now available on the web site! The December
> poll results and January poll is also up. And a new video "How They Win: Ham
> Radio Contest Secrets from N6MJ and KL9A" is posted.
> 73, Dennis NE6I
> www.SoCalContestClub.org http://www.SoCalContestClub.org
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