[SCCC] Fwd: A Question Please

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Tue Jan 2 09:08:20 EST 2024

Thanks Hank. The reply from K5UR confirms what I suspected is the driving force behind the resurrection of this issue - "advice of counsel." In that case I think the question becomes whether the board is required to simply vote up or down on the proposed bylaws change as written, or BoD members can propose changes to the wording? At this point I don't think we, as ARRL members, can prevent passage of Bylaw changes to address BoD member responsibilities, but should concentrate on either modifying the current proposal for the January BoD meeting, or push to have the BoD send the proposal back to the E and E Committee for revision to address member concerns.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

----- Original Message -----
From: "W6SX Hank Garretson" <w6sx at arrl.net>
To: "NCCC" <NCCC at groups.io>, "SCCC Reflector" <sccc at contesting.com>, "Bishop Amateur Radio Club (BARC)" <n6ov at googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2024 5:49:44 AM
Subject: [SCCC] Fwd: A Question Please

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: k5ur at aol.com <k5ur at aol.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: A Question Please
To: Hank Garretson <w6sx at arrl.net>
Cc: McIntyre Kristen K6WX (Dir PD) <kmcintyre at arrl.org>

Hi Hank:

Each Director will need to speak for themselves and the reasons for how
they will vote on this bylaw change, so understand that my opinion may

You will recall a few years back that we did away with the code of conduct.
Ever since then the Board has had periodic discussions whether our bylaws
are sufficiently defined regarding Board conduct and responsibility under
Connecticut law. Our Connecticut counsel has advised us along the way
during this time as various concerns have been raised and I believe it
became evident that we needed something more in place. Consequently, at the
January 2023 Board meeting, the Board passed a motion directing the Ethics
and Election Committee to develop a “Statement of Board Member
Responsibility, Authority and Expectations” to help assure that Board
duties are better defined and to address any other points raised by
Connecticut counsel.

The proposed motion is intended to improve corporate governance and you
will see that the document is rather inclusive and detailed to help the
Board members better understand their role and to help the organization’s
bylaws better conform with Connecticut law according to our counsel.

Hank, if you have any suggestions for the motion, any wording or revisions,
please let Kristen know. I know she will always listen.

Thanks for the QSO on 10 meters a few weeks ago. See you in the pileups.

I hope you have a prosperous and healthy 2024.


Rick – K5UR

On Monday, January 1, 2024 at 09:05:24 AM CST, Hank Garretson <w6sx at arrl.net>

GM Rick,

Please help me understand what problems or issues  the proposed Bylaw 46
change is designed to fix.

Thank you.

Happy New Year!

Ham Exuberantly,

Hank, W6SX
Charter Life Member
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SCCC at contesting.com

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