[SCCC] Report of ARRL 1st VP

Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
Wed Jan 10 17:31:42 EST 2024

On 1/10/2024 1:36 PM, Marty Woll wrote:
> Hi, Kurt.
> Others outside New England have reported that they have not been allowed to join that meeting.

If so, why is the PACIFIC division director at all associated with the 
New England division's affairs???

And K1TWF's missive does clarify some remaining questions I previously 
had. I would love to know exactly who those ten opaque directors are, 
although one is obviously K6WX, while another is probably K0AIZ. Anybody 
taking any bets that K6WX will be "selected" for membership, then 
"selected" as chairperson, on the E&E the next go-around?? My worst 
fear: that she will eventually become ARRL president, and perhaps even 
succeed K5UR.

Steve, K0XP

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