Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Tue Jul 2 12:42:24 EDT 2024

Yeah, Steve, I recall Bud talking about a very large 20 meter rotary 
Yagi at WA6ZZK's QTH in Lancaster. I think it was on some sort of 
windmill tower, but I don't recall the boom length.

As to phone vs CW, when you have an antenna that big perhaps the idea is 
to show that your are the biggest fish in the biggest pond 🙂.

73, Mike W4EF...............................

On 6/30/2024 7:18 PM, Steve Harrison wrote:
> Very interesting, Mike! Was that the same QTH that WA6TQT now owns (he's
> also near Anza)?? I wonder how long they kept that yagi up? The first
> "monster yagi" I ever heard of was built by, I think, WA6ZZK, back in
> the late-60s or early 70s, also on 20m phone (WHY are all those monsters
> designed for the phone band?? CW would have been a much better choice
> 8-) and may have been one of what you referenced in your mention of
> WA6ZZK below. I remember seeing photos of it displayed at a SCDXC
> meeting around that time frame. The largest 40m yagi I've ever seen was
> the 5-element full-sized monster built on Rohn 25G tower section, I
> think, that K6UYC (now K6RR) had on a self-supporting 100+-foot 4-legged
> tower in Huntington Beach, a block from PCH, also during the '71 - '73
> time frame. And boy, did that one work! I never got to use it in a
> contest, but I did use it one morning after a contest when I stopped by
> Bob's QTH on his invitation to "play around" for awhile. I then had to
> drive him to work at a local hospital 8-)
> Steve, K0XP
> On 6/30/2024 6:42 PM, Michael Tope wrote:
>> Since the IEEE article is pay-walled, I put a copy of the IEEE article
>> in my dropbox folder:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gr1vxjsl34k4yubmugkih/A_modern_giant_Yagi-Bathker-Ansley-Hachten.pdf?rlkey=3r8orsthy5rz7168c4ej698ml&dl=0 
>> 73, Mike W4EF...................
>> On 6/30/2024 12:57 AM, Michael Tope wrote:
>>> I am saddened to report that Bud Ansley, W6VPH lost his long battle
>>> with Alzheimer's disease on June 19, 2024. I first met Bud when I
>>> started working in the Communications Ground System Section of JPL in
>>> 1997. Bud was an R&D technician who built RF equipment used in NASA's
>>> Deep Space Network as well as occasional prototypes for spaceflight
>>> hardware.
>>> Bud loved to talk about his contesting and DX exploits and I spent
>>> many a lunch hour in his lab talking with him about all things real
>>> ham radio. These included Bud's operations from various HF
>>> super-stations such as Dr Phil Coussen WA6ZZK's QTH in Lancaster and
>>> Jack Hachten W6TSW's high mesa QTH in Anza. Circa 1990 Bud built a 13
>>> element 20 meter Yagi designed by Dan Bathker K6BLG at Hachten's Anza
>>> QTH. It was fixed at 15 degrees north for working Europe short path.
>>> A short article on this monster antenna along with a photo of Bud on
>>> one of the towers that supported it can be found here:
>>> (https://jplarc.org/newsletters/1996/feb/feb96.html). There is also
>>> an article on this antenna in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
>>> Propagation (unfortunately it is behind a paywall):
>>> https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/88217/authors#authors
>>> In addition to his many exploits on HF, Bud was an avid satellite and
>>> EME operator. On his small lot in Monrovia he had a fairly large EME
>>> array. If I remember correctly it was a pair of very long-boom 2
>>> meter Yagis stacked horizontally along with four large 70CM yagis in
>>> an H-frame all on a common AZ-EL rotator. Bud also enjoyed building
>>> homebrew amplifiers for both HF, VHF, and UHF and from what I
>>> understand some of these amplifiers (in the style of the time he came
>>> up in) had considerable headroom 🙂. In addition to working many DXCC
>>> entities on satellite, Bud traveled to Haiti as a guest of Dan HH2MC
>>> to put HH on satellite.
>>> Bud was a veteran of the US Navy. Services will be held at 10:30 AM
>>> on Monday July 8th at the Riverside National Cemetery.
>>> 73, Mike W4EF
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