[SCCC] Kalifornia Kilowatts...

Henryk SM0JHF sm0jhf at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 15:04:55 EDT 2024

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ, was framed for illegal use of long-distance
telephone calls and on this ground his licence was not renewed.
It was a revenge for his policing local 14 MHz nets abused for commercial
traffic and for his political activities.
Frankly, his signals in Europe were always outstanding. Herb was a
representative for Gates, Collins and Harris, so he probably tested some of
their products on the air.
His FCC licence was re-issued almost 20 years later in 2002, but the spirit
had gone.

On Wed, 3 Jul 2024 at 19:32, Steve Harrison <k0xp at k0xp.com> wrote:

> So.... Just what was the usual federal penalty for being found running
> "over-power" (or even "out-of-band")?? $10,000 fine, $25,000... what? I
> don't recall anyone being jailed. And that must not have been considered
> a felony, or the ham would have been banned from life to ever hold
> another license. I know several were convicted of misbehavior of one
> sort or another such as deliberate interference and the like; Herb
> Schoenbeck, KV4AA (long-ago SK), was notorious for that back in the '70s
> or so; but that's another whole topic.
> Was anybody ever actually banned from a contest for over-power, or
> merely disqualified and perhaps "suspended" from the next contest?
> Come to think of it... I've never heard any such similar stories of the
> NCCC-area W6's; but surely, those guys were not all lily-white.... or
> were they... I know of at least two of them with tubes with handles
> today but don't know about back then.
> Steve, K0XP
> On 7/3/2024 9:54 AM, Tree wrote:
> > A couple of things to add.
> >
> > Heard stories about a strategy to defeat the FCC field strength
> measurement
> > which was to have a vertical handy that you could switch to and give a
> > stronger FS reading with legal power.
> >
> > Back in the day of the 2M SCDXC repeater (1976?) - I once heard W6RW
> > talking to someone who was asking him why his signal was so "effective".
> > His answer was "DXers secret".
> >
> > Tree N6TR
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 9:27 AM Michael S. Mitchell W6RW<
> w6rw at earthlink.net>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> This is a quote from an article written by Harvey Laidman W8DX in 1997
> >> entitled "Riders of the Purple Ionosphere" which was an article about
> the
> >> history of the Southern California DX Club:
> >>
> >> Powerful transmitting tubes were readily available surplus and no
> >> self-respecting California ham shack was without a huge cabinet adorned
> >> with meters, a big Variac, and a pair of welding cables connecting a
> pole
> >> pig transformer. "I had a coupl'a those big, beautiful jugs," muses Art
> >> Enockson, W6EA (then W6MUB). During the 1952 World-Wide CW DX Contest,
> some
> >> Owlahoot blew the whistle. The Federal Communications Commission parked
> a
> >> panel truck a short distance from the unsuspecting operator. After
> taking a
> >> field strength reading, an agent knocked on the door. If the reading in
> the
> >> truck changed, they knew the operator had been cheating. "I was ready
> for
> >> `em," said the late Roger Mace, W6RW, "it was just that I was so rattled
> >> when they came to the door, I couldn't do anything!" Mace never got over
> >> the intrusion.
> >>
> >> DE Mike W6RW
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Dino Darling<dino at kx6d.com>
> >> Sent: Jul 2, 2024 6:52 PM
> >> To: Glenn Rattmann<k6na at rattmann.digitalspacemail17.net>, reflector
> >> <sccc at contesting.com>
> >> Subject: [SCCC] Kalifornia Kilowatts...
> >>
> >> I'd love to hear the Goo stories from the 60's, 70's and 80's!
> >>
> >> I heard rumor there was a prominent radio operator around the corner
> from
> >> Knott's Berry Farm that has some suds on reserve. If memory serves, a
> >> single 4-1000 was mentioned. I would think it would take at least two to
> >> make legend status. It was before my time but my curiosity still reigns.
> >>
> >> Some people look down on QRO amplifiers. I see it more as another way to
> >> make gain...if you lack the room for a 100'+ boom or a rotating stack.
> >>
> >> If anyone has stories they want to share, you have a captive audience.
> >> Just change the names to protect the innocent. 😁
> >>
> >> Dino - KX6D
> >>
> >> ________________________________
> >> From: Glenn Rattmann
> >>
> >> ...Phil was known for using some serious Goo in those days; meaning
> "more"
> >> than Bud. ;-)
> >>
> >> 73,
> >> Glenn K6NA
> >>
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> >>
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> See my QRZ.com page at *https://www.qrz.com/db/K0XP*
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Henryk, SM0JHF

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