[SCCC] Ramblings about FD

Ryan Huggins KI6BTY at pm.me
Mon Jun 24 12:29:15 EDT 2024

I like these ideas.  The stroke 6 (or whatever number) or even a stroke A-F to identify the classification would make it a LOT easier to identify who is who.

We had a few people who made their first HF contacts and even their first DX contacts this weekend at our FD.  They were super excited about getting that opportunity.  Last year, we had a guy who wanted to learn CW so he did CW for the contest.  He started off at a very slow rate and stayed at it for the full 24 hours.  By the end he was coding fast while carrying on a conversation.  Nothing like field day for learning!  He was our top point earner last year and probably this year again.

FD has definitely come a long way for our club from the days of being all QRP on a mountain top (back in the 70s/80s according to the stories I've heard) to creating a small city overnight and packing it up within a couple of hours.

Ryan, KI6BTY

On Monday, June 24th, 2024 at 8:22 AM, W6PH via SCCC <sccc at contesting.com> wrote:

> Long ago we were required to use the portable call sign anytime we weren't at our FCC location. FD stations signed W6PH/6. So we knew which stations were in the Field. I don't think that home based stations had scores published. So there was no incentive for home based stations to run stations. Home based stations on commercial power just answered portable stations.
> The whole reason for Field Day was to show that we could communicate in an emergency. It became a social event as well. I think many contesters (me included) got their first taste of rate contesting at FD. To go back to the spirit of Field Day I would suggest a couple changes which will never happen. I would delete published scores from home based stations on commercial power. I would limit the power of all participants to 100 watts. I would mandate for stations in the field to identify with the stroke and call area number to show the stations who are out in the field. Contacts with or between stations on emergency power would count for points. We have come a long way from the days of a 2000 pound diesel generator and a slug of DX-100's and Hallicrafter receivers on picnic tables and wires in the trees. We now have IC7000's and Honda 2000i's or 100 Ah lithium iron phosphate batteries and laptops for logging. It is a lot easier. My first FD was in 1955 at W6UCS/6 in Pacific Grove as a newly licensed Novice. They wouldn't let me operate. But I got the bug listening to them operate on 75 with an ART13 transmitter and BC348 receiver. The next year we had FD on Fremont Peak and I got to operate a lot of CW. Them were the days. Disclaimer: I have not participated in FD for over 10 years for no apparent reason other than lack of locals in the 50 miles around me who would be interested. Kurt W6PH
> In a message dated 6/23/2024 7:36:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time, dino at kx6d.com writes:
> Ryan, the problem isn't the Delta stations. They have been around for decades and a good source of points for the club stations.
> The issue is, starting in 2020 they changed the rule that now allows delta stations to contact delta stations for points. So the guys stopped going to the field and all the delta stations with superior antennas are talking to eachother. The guys in the field with wire antennas couldn't get heard. There is a reason that rule existed and after Covid they should of put it back to the 2019 rules where Deltas could count any stations for points, except for other deltas. Its very simple even a Division Director could figure it out. Yet that rule exists still and there is no incentive to put in the effort to go to the field. If they want Home Day they should start their own contest.
> 2020 was a disaster for Field Stations. So much so they had to change the rules again for 2021, and again for 2022!!! I wouldn't have believed that people at HQ could be this stupid but they have proven me wrong.
> Just take away the points of D to D contacts and this problem goes away in an instance. Even the Class D'Souza with amplifiers wasn't a problem in 2019. We never saw 7D or even 3D before 2020. Why now? Because its easy to sit at home and ruin it for the guys in the field. One rule change. One SIMPLE rule change back to the way it was for DECADES...for good reason.
> Dino - KX6D
> ________________________________
> From: Ryan Huggins KI6BTY at pm.me
> Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2024 11:06:59 AM
> To: neiljessen at hotmail.com neiljessen at hotmail.com; Dino Darling dino at kx6d.com; k0xp at k0xp.com k0xp at k0xp.com
> Cc: Southern California Contesting Club sccc at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: RE: [SCCC] Field Day - Please help out the locals
> Out of curiosity, since the clasification isn't mentioned until after contact has been made, how would you know someone is a D so as not to work them? Seems like that would be a big waste of time if you get into a qso just to have to leave midway through.
> Interestingly, I probably have more D stations in my log than A stations and barely and Bs. No Cs or Es
> I'm over 200 QSOs and closing in on 900 points with what's left of the people out there. I suspect that most of the A stations are done for the day now. I know mine is, due to the 24 hour rule if you setup early.
> -73
> Ryan, KI6BTY
> Sent from Proton Mail Android
> -------- Original Message --------
> On 6/23/24 10:57 AM, Neil Jessen wrote:
> I worked several "Delta" stations with multiple radios. 7D, 8D, 4D. I am ok with Delta stations (gives old-timers, people with limited mobility a chance to participate, etc.) but the emphasis for FD is Field...not working from home. Delta to Delta shouldn't count. It shouldn't be made attractive to stay inside and work from home. That's my $0.02.
> 73,
> Neil - N6VHF
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Dino Darling dino at kx6d.com
> Date: 6/22/24 7:31 PM (GMT-08:00)
> To: Ryan Huggins KI6BTY at pm.me, Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
> Cc: sccc at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [SCCC] Field Day - Please help out the locals
> So much with keeping the FIELD in Field Day! The ARRL has been screwing the pooch these past few years but really went too far when they allowed Class D stations to count other Class D stations for points. There was a reason that rule existed for DECADES. The newbies love it and the event is now called Home Day.
> Dino - KX6D
> ________________________________
> From: SCCC sccc-bounces at contesting.com on behalf of Ryan Huggins via SCCC sccc at contesting.com
> Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2024 10:56:00 AM
> To: Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
> Cc: sccc at contesting.com sccc at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [SCCC] Field Day - Please help out the locals
> No, not a typo. I was 4D last year and there were a fair amount of 5D and 6Ds last year as well as one guy who was a 9D!
> It's the number of transmitters that are sending at once. Four of my stations are FT8, that's a no brainer. Click "Enable TX" and you're good to go. The LoRA is a similar beast. Press send on the phone, it bluetooths to the device and TXs the message. #6 and #7 will be me pressing the pickle on two HTs at once and calling CQ on 2m and the 220 calling frequency. I figure I'll work the HTs like that for most of the day and see what happens. I'll be between the three main HT bands. I don't expect to get many points from VHF/UHF or 6m for that matter, but we'll see.
> -73
> Ryan, KI6BTY
> On Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 at 10:16 AM, Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com wrote:
> > On 6/22/2024 10:13 AM, Ryan Huggins via SCCC wrote:
> > 
> > > The Conejo Valley ARC will be operating 20A today on all bands and modes.
> > > 
> > > I'm operating 7D from home,
> > 
> > Izzat a typo, 7D???
> > 
> > Stve, K0XP
> > 
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