Kurt Pauer w6ph73 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 13:38:27 EST 2024

                 ARRL DX Contest, Phone - 2024

Call: W6PH
Operator(s): W6PH
Station: W6PH

QTH: Lone Pine CA
Operating Time (hrs): 34.5

Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    0    0
  80:  11    9
  40:  70    46
  20:  365    87
  15:  784  105
  10:  592  101
Total: 1830  348  Total Score = 1,908,432

Club: Southern California Contest Club


K3S Expert 1.3K  DXLog 2.5.54
80 meter sloper
40-2CD at 58 feet
3L 20m yagi at 60 feet
4L 15m yagi at 62 feet
(On three AB-577 masts)
A3S 20-15-10 at 40 feet

Friday night started out great with runs to Asia on 10 and 15.  Later 20
had good propagation to the north.  I was disappointed on 80 and 40.  There
barely any signals.  80 acted like 160 with very few stations.  40 was
but with a few more blips on the P3.  I shut down at midnight and came back
at 5 am.  80 and 40 still sounded the same with weak signals from Asia.  I
usually run JA's on 40 during this time period but I would not have been
able to
copy the callers.  The 10 meter band opened quickly to Europe and resulted
several 80+ hours of contacts.  As the band shifted to the EA's it was time
go to 15 meters.  I have a very good antenna on 15 and was able to
run and jump on spots.  In the evening I kept checking 80 and 40 and put a
European mults in the log on 40 but they were almost ESP. I quit at 10 pm
didn't get back to the shack until 6 am.  This is when I discovered several
antenna failures.  We had a microburst come through in the night.  My
had several trees uprooted and a travel trailer was moved 5 feet.  I lost
use of
the 20 meter yagi, the 15 meter yagi and my A3S.  I ended up climbing my
permanent 40 foot Rohn 25 to put a temporary fix on the feedline attachment.
This is not easy for a 82 year old ham and really took the wind out of my
for about a half hour when I got back down. I was stuck with the A3S the
rest of
the day.  Despite that I slugged away and added about 400 contacts to the
1400 I
had before I quit for the night.  The conditions were not as good as
There was a lot of auroral flutter on the 15 meter callers from Europe
making it
difficult to copy call signs.  The A3S stayed working but finally got
intermittent in the last hour of the contest. I am still mystified by my
experience on the low bands.  I wonder if I am the only one that had this.
antennas were working as I worked everything I could hear.  But I didn't
many US stations making calls.  I spent Monday taking down my Field Day type

73, Kurt W6PH

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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