[SCCC] N6MI's WPX CW report

J. Scott Bovitz <bovitz@bovitz.com> bovitz at bovitz.com
Wed May 29 12:35:46 EDT 2024

Drew (N7DA) and Scott (N6MI) made over 1,400 contacts in the CQ WPX CW contest from the N6MI (n6mi.com) converted news van.

We operated from the undeveloped Mojave Desert near California City, California.

We ran 500 watts into a short tri-band JK antenna at 60 feet (10-15-20), a sloper (40), and an inverted vee (80). The rig was a Yaesu FTdx101D and an Acom amplifier.

The high was about 79 degrees on Saturday. We received wind gusts to 30 miles per hour.

The conditions on 15 meters were spectacular — open worldwide for much of the day and into the evening.



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