[SCCC] Hex beam antenna question

WARREN MYERS wwmyers at me.com
Mon Oct 28 17:43:56 EDT 2024


I have a SteppIR Urban Beam which has slightly more wind load and is certainly more expensive than a typical HexBeam.  I also own a BuddyHex and 30’ mast.  While the SteppIR is more expensive and requires more maintenance than a HexBeam, it easily outperformed the HexBeam in my back yard A/B testing.  Parameters I compared in my comparison included signal strength and signal/noise rejection.  My wife also much prefers the UrbanBeam for aesthetic reasons.  I’ve attached the email address to sign-up for the SteppIR groups.io reflector if you wish to learn more about them from many long-time SteppIR owners.

I rotate the UrbanBeam with a Yaesu G800Dxa controlled by an ARCO rotator by microHAM (see link to a good video overview on the rotator controller below).  I considered the Green Heron controller but am glad that I bought the ARCO.  It was not hard to setup, has been reliable, and offers some features not available with any other rotator controller, eg; the display shows an azimuthal chart with Grayline overlay which has been helpful as I’ve grown in my DX operating skill.  Another feature is the display is TFT and so rotating to a heading can be accomplished by touching the chart at the heading you wish to beam to, as well as via CAT control.

Good luck with your decisions.


SteppIR groups.io forum administrator:   steppir+owner at groups.io

DX Engineering ARCO video overview:   https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/moh-arco-115v

> On Oct 28, 2024, at 12:53 PM, David Hachadorian <k6ll.dave at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know about the hex beam, but I've been using a SPID RAK rotor with Green Heron RT-21 Controller for a few years now.  It works great, and integrates perfectly with N1MM.  I wish I hadn't spent 40 years rebuilding/replacing Hy-Gain rotors.
> Package deals with the RAK and RT-21 are available at Green Heron, and KF7P.
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
> Yuma, AZ
> On 10/28/2024 6:20 AM, Ryan Huggins via SCCC wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Right now I'm running a wire dipole and I'm thinking about adding a hex beam into the mix, especially with how much fun this weekend's contest was, even with the wire in a tree.
>> I'm curious as to the group's thoughts on them and if anyone has any experience with them or recommendations for them. Right now, I'm looking at the K4IO hex beam and putting it on a push-up mast around 40-50ft when in use.
>> Also, are there any rotors that you'd recommend that connect into N1MM or N3FJP? The only one I've seen so far is the Yaesu G-450ADC and I do not know if it works with N1MM's rotor program. That's a "nice to have" feature but is worth looking into.
>> Thank you all in advance,
>> Ryan
>> -73
>> Ryan, KI6BTY
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