[SD-User] Setup for RAC Contest
Sid Will GM4SID
Sid Will GM4SID" <sidwill@lineone.net
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 10:29:56 -0000
The Canadian (RAC) contest runs from 280000 to 290000
all HF bands plus 6 and 2 metres. CW and Phone.
Suggested frequencies CW - 25 kHz up from band edge.
SSB - 1850, 3775, 7075, 7225, 14175, 21250, 28500.
Check for CW activity on the half hour.
Exchange: VEs send RST and province or territory.
VE0s and non VEs send RST and Serial No.
Contacts with VEs, 10 points
Contact with non-VEs, 2 points
Contact with VE*RAC, VA*RAC, VO*RAC and VY*RAC 20 points
Multipliers: NS, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, NT, NB, NF, NU, YU, YT, PE.
may be counted once in each mode on each of the eight contest bands.
<<<SD set-up>>>
Type = 10
Mults count by band = B
Points per QSO = 0 (Zero)
Pts/Bonus = 0 (Zero)
Pts per area QSO = 10
Vary by mode = N
Vary by band = N
Vary by Location = Y
Points = 2,2,2 (Everything other than VEs count 2)
Serials from Area stns = N
Mode = Your choice
Mixed mode = Y
Mults count both modes = Y
Good luck I hope to be on part-time until its time to go out partying.
73 de Sid, GM4SID