[SD-User] PACC test at 1200gmt to day

Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Sat, 9 Feb 2002 10:34:56 -0000

ON4KJ asked

> What type of contest shall we enter for PACC test.

The PACC Contest starts today at 1200 Z (24 hours).  It's a 24
hour contest - all bands 160 to 10 metres.  This is how to setup
SD - for stations outside The Netherlands.

Select SD Type 4 - General, Area Multipliers.

(NOTE - everyone can use the Type 4 option in the latest version
of SD - you don't have to be registered, and there is no limit on
the number of QSOs you can log).

Multipliers Count    : B (by band)
Points per QSO       : 1
Pts/Bonus            : 0 (multipliers)
Name of .MLT File    : PACC
Next Page?           : Y
Receive Serials?     : N
Mode                 : CW or SSB
Mixed-Mode Contest   : Y or N (your choice)

If Mixed Mode -
  Mults count on
    both modes?      : N
  Work same station
    on both modes?   : N

Work PA/PB/PI only.  SSB QSOs on 160 metres are not permitted.

After the contest, use SDCHECK to prepare your .LOG and
.SUM files.  Rename them as YOURCALL.LOG and YOURCALL.SUM,
and email them to Ad.Tilborg-van@siemens.nl.

Paul EI5DI