[SD-User] RSGB 1.8 MHz CW Contest

Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Sat, 9 Feb 2002 10:46:41 -0000

Date      : 9/10 February 2002
Time UTC  : 2100-0100
Frequency : 1820-1870 KHz
Mode      : CW

Here's how to configure SD for UK entrants.

Select SD Type 10, General - Country & Area
.MLT File            RSGB
.CTY File            RSGB
Multipliers Count    B (by band.  Yes, I know
                        it's 160m only)
Points/QSO           3
Pts/Bonus            5
Single/Multi-Op      S
Next Page            Y
Receive Serials      Y
Mode                 CW
Mixed Mode?          N

Send RST + Serial + District Code
Receive RST + Serial + District Code (UK only)

Work everyone.  Record any additional data sent
by non-UK stations (There may be other contests
taking place at the same time -PACC).


Here's how to configure SD for DX (non-UK)
entrants. Note:  The latest version of SD is fully
operational in this contest for DX entrants.  You
don't need to be registered to use it.

Select SD Type 4, General - Area Multipliers.
Multipliers Count    B (by band. Yes, I know
                       it's 160m only)
Points/QSO           3
Pts/Bonus            5
.MLT File            RSGB
Next Page            Y
Mode                 CW
Mixed-mode?          N

Work UK only.
Send RST + Serial
Receive RST + Serial + District Code

After the Contest, use SDCHECK to create your .LOG
and .SUM files.  Complete the .SUM file with any
editor, rename the files to YOURCALL.LOG and
YOURCALL.SUM and send them to

Paul EI5DI