[SD-User] [Fwd: Bugs in SD 9.84]

Juan Antonio Teva C�rdoba jateva@teleline.es
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 23:09:33 +0100

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Message-ID: <3C559D2D.594C3312@teleline.es>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:49:18 +0100
From: Juan Antonio Teva =?iso-8859-1?Q?C=F3rdoba?= <jateva@teleline.es>
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To: "sd-user@contesting.com" <sd-user@contesting.com>
CC: Paul O'Kane <paul@ei5di.com>
Subject: Bugs in SD 9.84
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Dear OM�s , last weekend I participed in REF contest cw with SD 9.84.
When worked the same call but in other band, SD showed on the upper
right corner the dep info about log call. Some times this dep info
showed was not the same that call logged, otherwise showed info about
call before logged.
Somebody observed it?

PD.: SD run great job.

73 de ea7akj.
