[SD-User] Oklahoma QSO Party

Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 23:44:22 -0000

SD supports the Oklahoma QSO Party (OKQP), which takes place from
2300 UTC 22nd March to 2300 UTC 24th March.  All entries may
operate 36 of the 48 hour Time Frame.

OBJECT:  Stations outside of Oklahoma work as many Oklahoma
stations in as many Oklahoma counties as possible.

EXCHANGE: Oklahoma stations send signal report and county.
Stations outside of Oklahoma send signal report and State,
Canadian Province, or DXCC Country.

QSO POINTS:  Phone - 2 points. Digital or CW - 3 points.

MUTIPLIERS: Oklahoma counties for a maximum of 77.

BANDS:  160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 meters and up - World class.

CW - 3.545, 3.745, 7.045, 7.140, 14.045, 21.045, 21.145, 28.045,
PHONE - 3.860, 7.260, 14.260, 21.360, 28.360.

CLASS:  World - ( Stations Outside Oklahoma )
. SOHP - Single Op High Power > 100 watts
. SOLP - Single Op Low Power up to 100 watts
. QRP - 5 watts or less
. Multi-Single - Multi operator single transmitter

All stations may be worked once on CW, Digital mode and Phone per


Select SD Type 10  - General, Country and Area Multipliers. (There
are no country multipliers, but Type 10 lets you score CW and SSB
QSOs independently.)

.MLT File           : OKQP - download from
.CTY File           : DXCC
Multipliers Count   : O (once only)
Points per QSO      : 0 (variable)
Pts/Bonus           : 0 (multipliers)
Single/Multi-Op     : S or M
Next Page           : Y
Points per Area QSO : 0 (same as others - even though there aren't
any others!)
Points vary by Mode : Y
            by Band : N
        by Location : N
Points CW           : 3
Points SSB          : 2
Receive Serial      : N
Mode                : CW or SSB - your mode now
Mixed-Mode          : Y
Mults count both
              Modes : N
Work same station
      on both Modes : Y

Log Oklahoma stations only.

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your .LOG and .SUM files.
Complete your .SUM file as appropriate, rename them to
YOURCALL.LOG and YOURCALL.SUM, and email them to w5atv@cox.net

Paul EI5DI